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November 6, 2019 by Freedonian Benji
“I was hoping the spot-raised UV would be a bit more pronounced; able to be felt when you run your finger across the card. Also the spot-raised UV is inconsistent among the cards. On some cards it is to the left of the logo and on some it is to the right. The paper stock is excellent. If I’d been able to see a sample before ordering I might have not gotten this product.”

Give a Luxurious Impression With Silk Business Card Printing

Silk business card printing is a sure and sophisticated way of leveling up your brand. It uses silk lamination to recreate the look and feel of silk on the surface of a business card. Give these away to VIPs, company executives, or to high-end clients.

Be Brilliant and Stay Sophisticated


Unlike your average business card, silk lamination makes the durable 16 pt. cardstock water and tear resistant. Your design’s sophistication is guaranteed to last long beyond the first meeting.

Under the UV Spot-light

Spot UV printing is also available on the front or back side of your business card design. This feature highlights particular elements such as your logo, an image, or contact details through:

  • A high gloss appearance
  • Textured surface against the silk lamination material

Seek the Right Size

Choose from a wide variety of sizes that include:

  • 3.5” x 2” or the standard US business card size
  • 2” x 2” is a compact, square shape.
  • 4” x 3.5 is slightly larger than the standard size.

To get started on your silk business card printing, upload a design or download one of our layout templates. The turnaround time indicates how long it takes to produce your order.

Spot UV Printing File Requirements

Keep in mind the following file requirements below as you create a design using our downloadable templates:

  1. The font size should be a minimum of 7 or 8 points. Avoid printing small text or fine lines in spot uv.
  2. Border and stroke must be more than 1.5 points.
  3. Images and artwork should be at least 300 DPI.
  4. All files should be in CMYK color mode.
  5. Make sure there is a 1/8" (0.125") bleed around the trim size.
  6. The safe zone should be 1/8" (0.125") inside the trim line.

How to Prepare Your Artwork for Spot UV Printing

  1. Create two layers that differentiate the areas printed in regular ink from the elements with spot UV printing.
    1. The regular CMYK layer shows which areas are printed in ink. The elements should show their actual colors and sizes on print.
    2. The spot uv printing layer only shows the elements that will appear in spot UV. The element(s) that will be printed in spot UV should have the same location as seen on the CMYK layer. Apply 100% K on the spot UV area and place the rest of the design in white.
    3. The images below show the difference between the two layers:

  2. Alignment is crucial to the file preparation process. The CMYK and spot UV printing layers should both have the same size. Common elements must be in the same position on both layers.

Silk Business Card Templates

Our layout templates will show you how to format your artwork. This ensures your business cards print correctly. Follow the steps below to prepare your product for spot uv printing:

  1. Create two layers on your file.
  2. The first layer shows the design in regular CMYK color.
  3. The second layer shows which areas will be printed in spot uv. Color all portions for spot uv printing in 100% K. All other sections that will be printed in regular CMYK should be colored white.

View Silk Business Cards Layout Templates

Need help with our layout templates?
Please refer to our guided layout instructions.

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