Quantity 1 2 12 24 36 75 300
Unit Price $27.98 $21.08 $16.88 $15.38 $9.18 $7.08 $6.98

This Lightweight Brushed Cotton Twill Cap is perfect for casual or weekend wear. Embroidered with your logo it's sure to become a favorite with its soft lining, comfortable fit and classic style.


Decoration Method



High quality stitching
Up to 10,000 stitches standard
Wide selection of thread colors to closely match your logo

Decoration Locations

Front (up to 4" x 2")


100% lightweight brushed twill cotton

Fit One size fits most

Lightweight Brushed Cotton Twill Cap Layout Templates

The specifications in the layout templates below will ensure your artwork prints correctly. These guides will help you design your artwork to our printing specs, giving you the best results possible.

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