Tips for a Feng Shui Business Card Design
When designing a company business card, there are certain design elements that are thought to bring your business good energy and success. Likewise, there are certain design elements that are thought to bring your business bad energy and slow growth.
Feng shui, the Chinese art of placement, is based on a belief in patterns of yin and yang (balance) and the flow of chi (universal energy) that have positive and negative effects. It is believed that chi should flow through the atmosphere much like wind and water flow through our natural world. Should the energy be blocked by a poorly placed item, the surrounding areas may become inactive.
The practice of feng shui is increasing in all aspects of the business world. The same practice can be applied to your business cards. Here are some ways to make your business card feng shui compliant.
Shapes Matter
To signify water and flow, use waves in your logo. This is said to bring good movement in your career. Round shapes symbolize harmony and angular shapes tend to bring conflict. Choose rounded fonts rather than angled or pointed. If you have to have something sharp or angled, avoid having the points directed to your name or your logo, as this is believed to create arguing and disputes. Logos should move forward from left to right to indicate the forward movement of your business.
Keep the shape of your business card very simple. While rounded corners are fine, according to you should shy away from die cut shapes and holes throughout your card. Things like this are said to interrupt the energy flow.

Elements you could incorporate into your logo or place somewhere throughout your business card design include fish to symbolize wealth, crystals to symbolize power, or fountains to symbolize the flow of money. If you’re looking for more business, reports you should try incorporating a dragon into the right side of your design. Trees symbolize growth and stability and horses are believed to bring the energy of success, freedom, and fame. If you choose to add a dove into your design, you are showing peace and calmness.
Use complimentary colors. Certain colors just don’t flow well together, so try to avoid combinations like blue and red, yellow and green, purple and green, and red and black. Each color that you include in your design is said to bring a different attribute to your business.
- Red – Power and Excitement
- Pink – Love and Calmness
- Orange – Organization and Social Ability
- Yellow – Communication and Friendliness
- Green – Wealth and Growth
- Blue – Adventure and Trustworthiness
- Purple – Wealth and Dignity
- Black – Power and Elegance
- White – Clarity and Openness
For the ultimate feng shui business cards, pay attention to where you place your elements on your card. For instance, if you want your company to be the center of attention, place your company logo in the center of your card. When you put other elements front and center, such as your name, you’re asking for everything to revolve around that. Another option is to place your company’s name at the top in a large, bold font to show strength and priority. Your name should come second to show that you place your business first, and not yourself. If you choose to place your name at the bottom of your card, it is believed that you could be taking on unnecessary pressure.
An Abundance of Feng Shui Tips
This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to feng shui. Take some time to do your research on all the elements you want to include on your business cards. If you choose to print your business cards online, you’ll be able to proof them before they print. The finished product should be something you’re happy with. If you are happy with your design, you’re likely to hand your business cards out often. According to the tradition of feng shui, when you follow these basic principles, your card should bring you lots of good fortune and luck!