Door Hanger Design Tips and Tricks
For the uninitiated, door hangers are those advertisements that people leave hanging on your front door for you to find when you come home. One of the reason these are so effective is that people have to actually handle the door hanger in order to either throw it away or to get ahold of you. Either way, the customer is exposed your advertisement.
Door hangers are also very inexpensive, especially if you have volunteers to help distribute them. Yet many businesses miss out on the opportunities that door hangers could create for them with some basic design blunders. To get the most out of door hangers, follow these simple tips:
Make sure you have a clear, easy to read headline across the front of your door hanger. Avoid colors that blend into the background or fonts that are difficult to read. Your customer may only glance at your door hanger, so make sure they can easily read your message.
Both sides
Use the front of your door hanger to get your customer’s attention and use the back to give them more information. This one-two punch allows you to save the front of the door hanger for striking imagery in headlines. With inexpensive printing options, using both sides of the door hanger should be worth the added expense.
Bold colors
Make sure your door hanger has vivid, brilliant colors across the front. This will help capture the attention of the customer with the hope that they will read the rest of your advertisement. It’s also important to note that you should include the logo of your company in color on the front of your door hanger. Don't pass up the opportunity to expose the potential customer to your brand.
Contact info
This may seem simple enough, but make sure you put your contact information on the front of the door hanger. Even if the customer is not interested in what you want, you can expose them to your website and phone number. They may not need your services today, but who knows what tomorrow holds?
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