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- Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid for Catalogs

Avoid these mistakes when designing your catalog and give your marketing strategy the best shot at success.
Graphic Design Mistakes to Avoid for Catalogs
Designers have a lot to do with the ultimate success of catalog printing and marketing. They have to make it both attractive and user friendly, or it will not generate sales very well. Below are some mistakes to avoid so readers are not turned off by your catalog design.
Hiding the Logo
People are a lot more likely to read a print catalog if they recognize the name of the company on the front. Therefore, it is very important that the logo is in a prominent place and is easy to read. The logo should be in a larger sized type than any other writing on the page, and make sure there is a lot of contrast between the logo and the background. Even new businesses need to have prominent logos because that is how brand recognition is built.
Making All Covers the Same
Some designers create covers of multiple issues very similarly to help with brand recognition. While brand recognition is important, most people will throw away a print catalog if they think they have already seen it. Use the logo, colors, and overall style to build branding, but make the covers look very different. One way to change it up is to use seasonal backgrounds that contrast from one another.
Designing Confusing Layouts
If the customers cannot figure out which product goes with which set of information, they may get really frustrated and throw the catalog away without ordering. Be sure that the overall design makes sense, as well as the flow from one page to the next. And do not forget to key your items; each product should have a prominently placed symbol, such as a letter, and the same symbol should be next to the corresponding product information.
Using Busy Backgrounds
If the background of your print catalog is busy, then the product does not stand out. To highlight the product, keep your backgrounds simple. Treat the most popular or pricey items with special attention; make them bigger than other products and leave plenty of space to border them. Having several larger photographs in a catalog adds interest for the reader rather than overwhelming them with lots of little photos.
Keep these mistakes in mind while designing and proofing your print catalog design. With an effective layout, your client's customers will order more products, and your client will be more likely to come back for more of your impressive graphic design skills.
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