Door Hangers
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Download Templates For Custom Door Hangers
Use door hanger layout templates to create your artwork with the precise dimensions to print perfectly. You can verify the front and back of your door hanger as well as the placement and dimensions of the hole to be cut. This will save you from making corrections and possible delays in printing later. Download a layout template for Illustrator or Photoshop.
Next Steps:
Here are some helpful tips when designing your Door Hangers:
1. Pay attention to the safe area, cut and bleed area to make sure your door hanger designs don't get cut out.
2. Make sure your headlines are clear and easy to read, as well as adding your logo for branding and your contact information.
3. Using bold, vivid colors can help get the attention of potential customers.
Once you have your design, you can click here to order door hangers. You can choose from:
-8 available standard sizes
-Quantity (from 25 to 100,000 cards)
-Paper type (14 pt. and 16 pt. cardstock)
-Front coating (Gloss, Matte, High Gloss)
-Printing sides (Full Color Front Blank Back, Full Color Both Sides)
-Turnaround time (Same Day Turnaround to 5 Business Days)
After choosing the specifications, here are 3 easy steps:
1. Upload your print-ready design file.
2. Our Prepress will proof your file for free. We follow a 30-point proof inspection.
3. Approve your proof and send it to production. That's it!
Follow all the specifications provided to ensure
your artwork prints correctly and on time.
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